Phi Beta Psi: It’s YOU!
It’s YOU and your friends helping the fight against CANCER. It’s YOU and your friends working together at the local, state, and national level. It’s YOU and your friends sharing and caring for your community in your own way.
Who we are
Phi Beta Psi is not just another club. We are a fun-loving group of women working together to raise money for cancer research programs. With 62 active chapters, we are one of the largest non-academic sorority groups in the country – and together we are making a BIG impact!
Making a Difference
Since 1941 when Cancer Research became our National Project, Phi Beta Psi has given a GRAND TOTAL of $11,966,122 to the fight for a cure! This is thanks in large part to our local communities believing in our cause and making our fundraisers successful.
Want to Join?
While our main goal is to raise funds to further the fight to find a cure, we are about fellowship and forming lifelong bonds. With chapters in 10 states, this group of women has come together to be an outlet and support system for anyone who has been impacted by cancer.
How You Can Help
Research grants are given each year to doctors throughout the country working in the field of Cancer Research. By giving, you are helping raise funds for new advancements in that fight. If you’d like to help further our reach, any support would be greatly appreciated!

“Cancer is messy and scary. You throw everything at it, but don’t forget to throw love at it. It turns out that might be the best weapon of all.”
— Regina Brett, Author